Photo by Daan Stevens on Unsplash

We are living during a time of change in our religious landscape. Going through changes in faith, whether as an individual or as a church, can be lonely, scary, and overwhelming. That’s why we’re here.

No one is meant to do this alone.

We’re here to help you
connect, practice, cultivate, and reframe spirituality.

We know that deconstructing your faith can be a hard process. And often you find yourself feeling very alone. We have put together several pages of resources to help you navigate this transition. Please click on the links to the right to find resources as you continue through your faith transition.



We provide media resources covering a mix of topics. Whether our podcasts are on climate or about current political and civic engagement, we want to talk about issue that matter to you. Let us know what resources you would find helpful.


When we move beyond traditional religious structures, it often leaves a gap in our community and in our spiritual education. We provide a curriculum for individuals and families that can help fill the gap for all age groups.


Is your organization trying to figure out how to move into the future? We offer perspective, tools, and analysis for how to move forward. Always sensitive to the spiritual nature of religious structures, we work hard to balance business and flexibility.


Many people and groups are doing great work in progressive spirituality. We’re here to help you make those connections. Whether new books or music, blogs or podcasts, we provide connections to great resources.


We’re here to help organizations. Do you need someone to help with safety training or lead a discussion on diversity? We are available to help with training, systems analysis, and setup. Let our experienced leaders help you.


We provide spiritual direction and assessment. Stuck on the journey? Trying to figure out how to navigate changing beliefs? Curious about different ways of understanding faith? We’re here to help you on the journey.

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